New Openings for Google Drive and the Common Core Webinars

Registrations keep coming in for the new January section of my online course Google Drive and the Common Core. For people who were interested in the first section a few seats opened last night due to some cancellations. The registration links for the both January sections of Google Drive and the Common Core are listed below. Both sections cover the same material.

Section 1Meets on Wednesday evenings at 7pm (Eastern) on January 9, 16, and 23. Click here to register. (Three seats available as of this morning) SOLD OUT
Section 2 – Meets on Thursday evenings at 7pm (Eastern) on January 10, 17, and 24. Click here to register. (6 seats available as of December 22).

Whole staff option – I have had a couple of school technology directors contact me about enrolling a big group of their teachers in the course. If you have 15 or more from your school district I can schedule a section of Google Drive and the Common Core just for your school. Email me at richardbyrne (at) for more information.

Google Drive and the Common Core is a three hour webinar series.
While at $87 the webinar series is not free it is significantly less than the cost
of flying me to your school for the day.

Course Highlights
Creating and sharing documents, presentations, and spreadsheets.
Using Google Documents and Presentations for collaborative writing and reading exercises.
Using Google Forms and Spreadsheets for collecting and analyzing data.
Using Google Documents as a publishing platform.
Managing the flow of files in your Google Drive.
Registration is limited to 25 students per course.

This course is designed for educators who:
*Are new to using Google Drive/ Documents.
*Have previously used Google Drive/ Documents but would like a refresher course.
*Would like to learn how Google Drive/ Documents can be used to help their students meet ELA Common Core Standards.

Registration Cost
The cost to register for either section of the course is $87 USD per student.
Section 1Meets on Wednesday evenings at 7pm (Eastern) on January 9, 16, and 23. Click here to register. (Three seats available as of this morning) SOLD OUT
Section 2 – Meets on Thursday evenings at 7pm (Eastern) on January 10, 17, and 24. Click here to register. (6 seats available as of this December 22).

Payments can be made with a personal credit card, with a school district
credit card, or with PayPal. Checks and purchase orders can be accepted
however the cost of registration is $15 higher to cover additional
processing associated with those payments.
Please contact me directly at richardbyrne (at) freetech4teachers (dot)
com with questions about course registration and or payment processing.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!