Handy New Ways to Organize Files in Google Drive

For years now almost all of my documents have been created and stored in Google Docs and now Google Drive. Over the last year I’ve moved more files into Google Drive for storage. Today, Google added some new features to Google Drive that will make it easier to store, organize, and locate your files in your Google Drive account.

In Google Drive you can now view KML and KMZ files. If you have folders on your desktop you can down drag them directly into your Google Drive account when you’re using the Chrome browser. And a very useful feature for people working in groups is the option to search for files according the the names of the people who have access to a file. Even if you don’t know the name of the file you can locate it by searching for your collaborators’ names in Google Drive.

Applications for Education
In my experience a lot of students don’t use good file naming conventions. This creates a problem when they go to share files with other students or with their teachers. The option to search by collaborators’ names could be a small solution to the problem of locating shared files. Of course, teaching students to use better naming conventions is something that we should also be doing.


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