Two Books to Read Before School Starts

Occasionally I stray from my mission of sharing free tools here on Free Technology for Teachers. This afternoon I was reminded of a couple of very affordable books that I’ve read in the last year that I think teachers can really benefit from reading. On that note, I’m going to stray from sharing free resources in this post and recommend two books. Of course, you could try to find them through your local library if you don’t want to buy them and then they will be free for you. 

Wesley Fryer’s Playing with Media is a great ebook that is packed with ideas and tips for creating multimedia projects with your students. Wes does a particularly great job in explaining the sometimes tricky issues associated with Copyright, Creative Commons, and Fair Use.

For a non-tech book about education, I recommend Listen To Your Kids written by my friend and former colleague Tom Harvey. Tom’s book is filled with touching stories drawn from his career of more than thirty years in public school classrooms. I’ve personally bought and given away two copies of the book because I think it has a message that needs to reach more people. Listen To Your Kids will remind you why you got into teaching in the first place.


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