Technology Education for Pre-Service Teachers – 3 Months Later

Back in February Jayme Linton wrote a wildly popular guest post on technology education for pre-service teachers. Her spring semester just concluded and she’s graciously written a follow-up post of her experiences and observations since February. Jayme’s post is included below.

just wrapped up my first semester teaching Technology in the Classroom,
a course designed to prepare pre-service teachers for effectively using
technology for teaching and learning. I was fortunate to have the
opportunity to write a post for Free Technology for Teachers earlier in
the semester. You can read my previous post
This follow-up post offers my reflections on the course along with
those of my students. It is my hope that fellow teacher educators will
be able to adapt some of my methods for use in their courses and that
practicing teachers will be encouraged by the tech-savvy beginning
teachers entering the education field this fall.

culminating project for the course, an overwhelming favorite of my
students, was the creation of a multimedia presentation that could be
used to teach educators how and why to integrate a specific technology
tool in their classrooms. A description of the assignment follows:

in pairs to create a multimedia presentation you could use to teach
future colleagues about how to integrate a specific technology tool into
their classrooms. Your presentation must give teachers a rationale for
why they should use the tool, an overview of how the tool works, sample
ways to use it, and technical instructions for using it. Include at
least four different types of media, such as images, text, screenshots,
screencasts, podcasts, or videos. You will share your presentation with
the class. You will be responsible for providing feedback on your
partner’s work as well as your classmates’ presentations. A few possible
tools to use: VoiceThread, Animoto, Prezi, Popplet, Glogster EDU,
Windows Movie Maker, iMovie, Photo Story, Livebinders.

students blew me away with the quality of their presentations. Most of
them have now graduated and will be entering their first teaching
positions in a couple of months. I feel extremely confident that not
only will they integrate technology successfully into their teaching
practices and enhance their students’ learning through the use of
technology, but they will also be teacher leaders who guide others
toward more effective technology integration. Their projects speak for
themselves. I have encouraged my students to share these presentations
with their colleagues in the future and create opportunities regularly
to share their expertise with others. In future sections of the course, I
plan to require students to present their projects to other educators.
This could include a presentation to the faculty at a local school or
the School of Education faculty at the university. I have included a few
of their projects below, but you can see them all

    Class Dojo presentation by Caitlin Jones and Erin Schudde

    Edmodo presentation by Michael Judd and Jordan White

    Glogster EDU presentation by Caitlan Jones

    Prezi presentation by Erin DeBord and Cregg Laws

After spending a semester learning about effective uses of technology in the classroom, I asked students to share ineffective uses
they have experienced. Some of my students shared technology disasters
from their field experiences in local schools, while others shared
ineffective attempts at using technology by their university professors.
Knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do.

of the coolest learning experiences for me happened late in the
semester when I invited seven phenomenal teachers from local schools to
speak with my students about technology applications in their
classrooms. To prepare for the teacher panel, my students viewed videos
and work samples from these teachers’ classrooms, then posted questions
for the teacher panel on
The in-service teachers shared practical advice and reflections from
the field. I facilitated the conversation and took notes, which you can

On the final night of class, I used Socrative to
get my students’ feedback on the course and help me make improvements
for future semesters. (You can read about how I use Socrative and other
tools for formative assessments
One student suggested adding an application piece to the TPACK
assignment, and I was excited by that feedback. Next semester, I am
going to take the TPACK assignment one step further by requiring
students to develop and teach a lesson plan using the TPACK framework.
The lesson plan will be aligned to
ISTE’s NETS for Students
and the content area of the class where students are completing their
internship or student teaching. The PLN / Twitter assignment was
overwhelmingly my students’ least favorite assignment of the course.
They had a difficult time keeping up with the Twitter feed and
remembering to tweet while they were engaged in student teaching
requirements (lesson planning, grading, etc.). I am not giving up on
this assignment for two reasons. 1) I have experienced the power of
Twitter over and over in growing my own PLN. 2) I am confident that
developing a PLN will have tremendous benefits for my students as they
enter their own classrooms as beginning teachers. I am reflecting on
their feedback, and this summer I’ll make changes to the assignment.
Once during the semester, while I was at the NCTIES conference, my
students and I participated in a Twitter chat to take the place of our
weekly class meeting. They enjoyed the Twitter chat, so I plan to
incorporate more of those in future sections of the course.

am looking forward to checking in on these promising educators in the
fall, and I’m confident that I will find them making the most of the
technology that’s available to them. I’m energized to have some time to
reflect on my students’ feedback and make adjustments for next semester.
And most of all, I’m excited about the opportunity to teach two more
sections of this course in the fall. Please leave a comment or get in
touch with me to share your own ideas and feedback. I would love to
connect with you.

About the Author
Jayme Linton currently serves as Director of Teacher Education at Lenoir-Rhyne University
in Hickory, North Carolina. Previously, she has held positions as
Instructional Technology Facilitator, Staff Development Coordinator, and
Instructional Coach for
Newton-Conover City Schools.
Jayme is a doctoral student in the Teacher Education and Development
Ph.D. program at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is
also a SimpleK12 webinar leader and has presented for the Global
Education Conference and K-12 Online Conference. Jayme is passionate
about technology for teaching and learning and enjoys spending time with
her husband and two children. Connect with Jayme on
Twitter @jaymelinton and check out her blogs: Tech Tips for Teachers and iPads in School


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!