One More Year in Review – 2011 in Tweets

There is no denying that Twitter has changed the way that news is reported. In fact, the last time I was in a hotel I turned on CNN and noticed that a couple of Twitter hashtags were included in the ticker at the bottom of the screen. As proof that Twitter is changing the way news gets reported just take a  look at some of the Tweets and the Tweeters included in the video 2011 Told Through Twitter.

Thanks to Adam Bellow for sharing this on Twitter.

Applications for Education
This video could be used on its own as a review of the year’s news stories. Take it a step further and ask your students to sum up their year at school, as a person, or as they viewed the news in a series of twelve 140 character messages. That could be a good way to get students to reflect and practice writing succinctly.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!