Any.DO – Make Things Happen With Collaborative Task Management

Any.DO is a free Android App (iPhone version coming soon) for creating to-do lists and sharing them with your friends and colleagues. On Any.DO you can type out a list of tasks or enter tasks by speaking into your phone. Once you’ve entered your task you can assign it to a day and time for completion. After assigning a completion deadline you can share that task with anyone in your contacts list even if she doesn’t have the Any.DO app installed on her phone.

Any.DO also gives you the option to attach notes to your tasks, set reminders for your tasks, and put notes into folders that you’ve created. For example, if I have notes of a personal nature like my grocery shopping list I can put that list into my “personal” folder instead of my “work” folder. And unlike some free Android apps, in my testing of the app Any.DO didn’t appear to insert ads into my notes.

Applications for Education
Any.DO could be a great Android app for students to use to keep track of assignments and due dates. I like the option to add notes through voice messages instead of typing them out. One of the impediments for some students to successful use of task management tools is taking the time to write down the tasks they need to do. By using the voice recorder that impediment is removed.


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