Android Parental Control

Android Parental Control is a free app that limits access by others to your Android device’s applications. With Android Parental Control installed you can create an “safe sandbox” of apps that your children can use on your phone without being able to accidentally access or change anything outside of that sandbox. You can also use Android Parental Control to password protect individual apps.

The reviews of Android Parental Control indicate that people either love the app or hate it. The people who gave the app poor reviews tended to indicate problems with installation or execution on a particular phone. For what it’s worth, I installed the app on my Motorola Photonwithout a problem.

Applications for Education
If your school is using Android-powered tablets, Android Parental Control is one tool that you could use to try to prevent students from installing apps that they shouldn’t or accessing applications that you don’t want them to use.


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