Class Parrot – Text Students and Parents for Free

Class Parrot is a new service that enables teachers to send text messages to groups of students and parents. Using Class Parrot teachers send text messages from their computers. Class Parrot keeps the students’ and parents’ phone numbers private.

Here’s how Class Parrot works; teachers create a different group messaging program for each class that they teach. Each group that a teacher creates is assigned a unique opt-in code. Teachers give that code to students and parents. Then if a student or parent would like to receive messages from the teacher, they can simply opt-in by texting the opt-in code to Class Parrot.

Applications for Education
Class Parrot is still in beta so you do have to register and wait for an invitation. That said, Class Parrot could prove to be a great way to send reminders and other important information to students and parents. Class Parrot claims that recipients open 98% of text messages compared to 22% of emails, that alone is a good reason to give their text messaging service a try.


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