Odosketch – A Simple Online Sketchpad

Odosketch is a free online sketchpad that I learned about from Danny Nicholson’s The Whiteboard Blog. Odosketch, like many similar sites, provides a blank canvas on which you can create drawings from scratch. You can save your work to a free Odosketch account, share it online, or download it. Odosketch’s niche appears to be creating drawings with “charcoal pencil” effects. Odosketch is well suited to use on touch screen computers and interactive whiteboards.

Applications for Education
Whenever I talk to teachers about multimedia projects for their classrooms I encourage teachers to, whenever practical, have their students create their own images rather than re-using other people’s work. Having students create their own images for multimedia projects removes any possibility that they are misusing someone else’s work. If creating their images isn’t practical for the project you have planned, here are nine places students can find Creative Commons and Public Domain images.


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