Snapify – Search the Web Without Leaving the Page You’re Viewing

Snapify is a free Google Chrome extension that allows you to highlight a word or phrase on any webpage and quickly find more information about that word or phrase. Here’s how it works; with Snapify installed you simply highlight a word then click “Snap It.” When you click “Snap It” a dialogue box appears with information from Wikipedia, Google Search results, YouTube Videos, Tweets mentioning your highlighted word, and a Google Map. The video below offers a demonstration of Snapify (there is not any sound in the video).

Snapify reminds me of another product that I like called Apture. Apture performs the same types of functions as Snapify. You can read about Apture here.

Applications for Education
Snapify could be a handy search tool for students to have installed in their browsers. If students come across an unfamiliar word or phrase while reading an article online they can simply activate Snapify to find a definition or explanation without leaving the page they’re reading.


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