Pegby – A Free Task Management Tool for Teachers and Students

Since I started writing this blog almost four years ago I have reviewed dozens of task management tools and personal organizers. So last June when I discovered Pegby I didn’t give it a whole lot of attention at first. Then I as I explored it more and more I found that it really was a quality product and not just your run-of-the-mill to-do list service. Pegby is easy to use yet has some very handy and powerful features lying beneath its surface. Now all of Pegby is available for free to all teachers and students. To use the service for free just register here with your .edu or .k12 email address.

Pegby is set up like a corkboard with index cards stuck to it. The corkboard has three columns to place your index cards on. A column for things to do, a column for things in progress, and a column for things that are done. Each of index card can be assigned to a person, can have files attached to it, and can have due dates assigned to it. You can use Pegby as an individual or you can share your corkboard with others. Watch the video below to learn about Pegby.

Pegby in Two Minutes from Pegby on Vimeo.

Give Pegby a try, I think you’ll like it.

Full disclosure: I did advise the Pegby team on how to offer their service to educators, but I was not in any way paid or compensated for that thirty minutes of my time.


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