Lazy Meter – A Task Manager that Tracks Your Progress

Lazy Meter is a free service for keeping track of the tasks that you have to get done and measuring your progress as you go. The basic premise of Lazy Meter is much like other task management or to-do list tools. You enter the list of things that you need to get done and check them off as you go. As you complete each task, Lazy Meter displays your progress. At the end of each day or week you can check your overall progress with Lazy Meter’s metrics. For more about how Lazy Meter is trying to differentiate itself in the crowded task management market, read their blog post Not Another Task Manager.

Applications for Education
The start of a new school year is the time when students and teachers often make the resolution to do a better job of keeping track of assignments and other tasks. Lazy Meter could be one tool to help students keep that new resolution. Of course, the task management tool is only as good as the person using it. So you might have to remind your students to check into their Lazy Meter accounts from time to time.


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