Free Stuff Friday – Coffee Mugs from Learn Boost

Borrowing an idea that I’ve seen used on some other blogs, for the next month I’ll be giving away free stuff on Friday mornings (eastern time). Some weeks will be t-shirts and other weeks it will be coffee mugs or other physical things to put in your classroom.

This week the newest advertiser on Free Technology for Teachers, Learn Boost, is giving away a pair five coffee mugs. To win the coffee mugs, pictured below, just leave a comment on this post with a quick thought about Learn Boost. At 7pm (EST) I will randomly select a winner from the comments. It’s that easy to enter.

Learn Boost is a free online gradebook program that can be used by individual teachers or distributed across an entire school through Google Apps for Education. Click here and here to read some previous news about Learn Boost.

Update: LearnBoost just told me that they have five mugs to give away and there is also this opportunity to win some cash for your school.

Winners have been chosen! I used‘s number generator to select winners. #1 being the first comment and #54 being the last.
Congratulations to:
Mike Morrell
Sharlene Berry
Jennifer Hackathorn
Nancy Edwards
Leslie Smith 


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!