CleVR – Create Your Own Panoramic Image Tours

CleVR is an Adobe Air application that allows you to take a set of images and stitch them together to create a panoramic image. The panoramic image you create can be rotated side to side, up and down, and zoomed in and out. To use the image editor you can drag and drop images onto your CleVR clipboard or upload to your clipboard. You select the sequence of the images and CleVR stitches them together to make your panorama. Your finished product can be posted on the CleVR website or embedded into your own website or blog.

When I tried CleVR I learned through trial and error, that you do have to have to play around with the sequence of images in order to get a quality product. As with most applications of this type, the larger the image size and higher the quality of the images, the slower your images are processed. CleVR would probably be frustrating to try to use with elementary school students. Most middle school and high school students should be able to create nice panoramic images with CleVR.

Applications for EducationCleVR could be a clever way to have students add panoramic images to virtual tours they build in Google Maps. Students can link to the images or insert the images into placemarks on Google Maps.


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