– Quickly Take and Share Notes is a new service that offers a simple platform for taking and sharing notes. To use just go to the site and start is a new service that offers a simple platform for taking and sharing notes. To use just go to the site and start
Show Me is an iPad app that I initially wrote about in April. At that time the app wasn’t available to everyone, today it is.
Desmos is a new company that has created a fully functional, browser-based graphing calculator. The calculator performs all of the functions you would expect to
Mastery Connect recently launched a free app for Android and iOS that is designed to help educators quickly locate the common core standards for mathematics
If, like me, you’re not attending the annual ISTE Conference this year you can still experience and participate in some of it through ISTE Unplugged.
In Man as Industrial Palace Henning Lederer brings this famous drawing to life. In the two minute video viewers will see how the human body’s
Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus is a narrated and illustrated explanation of the Stuxnet virus. The does a good job of explaining how the
Our Amazing Planet recently published a large infographic featuring the highest and lowest places on Earth. The infographic shows the heights at which airliners fly
Between yesterday and today I spent nineteen hours in airplanes and airports (that’s why no new blog posts appeared yesterday). During those nineteen hours I
A couple of years ago I received the good fortune to attend NECC (now called ISTE) as the NECC Newbie. NECC/ISTE Newbie was an experiment
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