Smash Cards – Augmented Reality Flashcards

Smash Cards is a new service offering augmented reality flashcards. Smash Cards is still in a closed beta, but when I learned about it from Scott McLeod I knew I had to pass it along. The purpose of Smash Cards is to add value to the flashcard experience. Here’s how it works; a student holds a flashcard up to a webcam and images matching the words on the flashcard. The goal is to provide students with a visual reference to aid in recall. Watch the video below to see Smash Cards in action.

Augmented Reality Phonics from SmashCards on Vimeo.

If you’re not sure what augmented reality is, watch Common Craft’s explanation below.

Applications for Education
I’m interested to see if augmented reality flashcards make a difference in students’ recall abilities. I’ve applied for the Smash Cards beta even though I teach high school and the cards seem to be targeted to elementary school use. If you’re an elementary school teacher interested in trying Smash Cards, click Try It on the Smash Cards site to sign up for the beta.


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