Explore.org Explores Gorillas – Lesson Plan & Video

Explore.org is a host of high-quality documentary videos covering a wide range of topics. Explore.org offers a series of lesson plans to accompany some of the videos in their collection. One of the videos and lesson plans that looked at today is Gorillas…98.6% Human. Gorillas…98.6% Human chronicles the work of Craig Sholley who guides the film crew to document four families of mountain gorillas in the wild. Sholley explains how mountain gorillas are identified, what makes each one unique, and how they interact with each other. The video is embedded below.

Applications for Education
The lesson plan (open pdf here) accompanying this film is designed for use with middle school students. As you might expect, the lesson plan includes discussion questions for use before and after viewing the video. The lesson plan also outlines an activity in which students have to design a plan to draw positive attention to the mountain gorillas of Rwanda.


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