You Are What You Read

You Are What You Read is part book recommendation service and part social network for young readers. Hosted by Scholastic, You Are What You Read is place where kids can share information about their favorite books. After creating a simple profile You Are What You Read asks participants to name the five books that mean the most to them. Members of the network can then see who else likes the same books and discover other books that might also interest them.

You Are What You Read offers some excellent resources that you and your students can access without joining and creating a profile. You Are What You Read has a lengthy list of famous people like Kevin Durant, Tony Hawk, and Ellen DeGeneres who have listed their favorite age-appropriate books. Take a look at the book page for The Giving Tree which Kevin Durant listed as one of his favorites.

The Book Links feature on You Are What You Read offers webs of books that are related to each other. For example, if you enter the title Green Eggs and Ham a web of books that are likely to interest students is generated. Click on any book in the new web to generate yet another web of related titles.

Applications for Education
Even if you don’t have students join the network, You Are What You Read could be a great way for students to find new-to-them books to read.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!