Three Free Android Apps for Vocabulary Practice

Last month I bought a new Android-powered phone and have been experimenting with different free apps that I’ve found in the Android Market. With SAT season not too far away, this week I experimented with a handful of vocabulary apps. One app froze my phone, one app was too limited, but three of them were worth passing along to you.

At first glance Power Vocab appears to be just a set of vocabulary words that you have to select the correct definitions for, but there is more to it. You can also work on spelling of the words that appear and play word search games. In my testing of the free version of the app featured words that were appropriate for middle school and high school students. The paid version of the app promises more difficult vocabulary.

Words, Words, Words is a free vocabulary app from Socratica. I had previously checked some other apps from Socratica that I liked, and this one was no different. I like that the interface was very visually-pleasing and easy to navigate. Words, Words, Words can be used in a flashcard-like manner for familiarizing yourself with the words or in a quiz mode. Words, Words, Words offers audio to help users with pronunciation.

Vocab Builder I liked in part because on my phone it loaded the fastest of all the apps. The simple interface offers two ways to play; match definitions to words or match words to definitions. Of the three apps listed here, the words I encountered on this app were the most challenging.

Do you have a favorite vocabulary app that everyone should know about? If so, please leave a comment.


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