– Build Your Own Discussion Forum

There are plenty of services on the web that you can use to create your own private or public discussion forum (click here or here for some I’ve previously reviewed). But takes the prize for easiest name and url to remember. Not only is the name easy to remember, it’s easy to create your forum with

Once you’ve registered on creating your forum is a straight-forward, two minute process. To create a forum just sign-in and click “start a forum.” From there you can start a conversation, which calls “Gabs.” You can also post events, pages, and files. In your forum management tab you can choose to make your forum private or public. Also in the management tab is the option to grab an embed code to place your forum’s gab stream in your website or blog.

Applications for Education could be useful for creating online book clubs for your school, providing a public place for parents to interact with administration, or for a student council to interact with its constituents.


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