Library of Congress Virtual Tour

While perusing the app store yesterday I came across a wonderful, free app from the Library of Congress. It is a multi-faceted app that provides not only a virtual tour, but resources and mini podcasts focused on the various areas of the Library. 

Library of Congress–Virtual Tour provides not only photos of the Library’s historic rooms, but historical background on them, paired with related links for further investigation and audio podcasts about items or features in each room.

I found it easy to navigate and the links open up within the app itself, which is great for moving seamlessly between the rooms.

Some applications I see for the classroom are in a Social Studies unit on anything from the early Americas to the history of our Nation. I also could see it being a fun competition between teams to find particular items or images or facts.  Students could also be charged with doing more in depth research on a particular item of their choice featured in the Library.

Have a great time in Alaska, Richard!

Posted by Mary Beth Hertz who blogs at Philly Teacher and can be found on Twitter as @mbteach.


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