School Lunches & Health Care

Today’s episode of CNN Student News leads off with a segment about new school lunch policies enacted by President Obama. The policies, part of Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” initiative, will give the federal government more control over what is sold in public school cafeterias.

The second story of the day is about a federal judge’s ruling that the “individual mandate” of requiring all Americans to have health insurance by 2014 is beyond “the historical reach of the U.S. Constitution.”

I’ll be using both of these stories in my Civics class today. We’ll be discussing the question, “how much involvement in your day-to-day life should the federal government have?”

Watch the video below or click here for the video, transcript, and discussion questions.

Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:
Cool Food Kidz Teaches Kids About Diet & Fitness
A Colorado Middle School Cuts Lunches
Don’t Eat Lunch Alone


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