Find the Best – A Comparison Search Engine

Find the Best is an interesting approach to web search. Find the Best calls itself a “comparison engine.” The idea is to provide users with a way to quickly compare multiple websites, reference materials, products, and services.

Here’s how it works; select a category, choose a sub-category, then select the things you would like to compare in that sub-category. Find the Best will display your chosen comparison items on one easy-to-read page. I tested Find the Best by choosing the education category, then world country facts, then four countries I wanted to compare. Find the Best worked well for finding some basic facts on one page about the four countries I chose to compare. See my results here.

Watch the video below to learn more about Find the Best.

Applications for Education

It’s not going to replace your favorite search engine anytime soon, but Find the Best could be a good little resource for students to use when they need to quickly find some basic information about a topic.

Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:
Seven Search Engines for Students
Beyond Google – Improve Your Search Results
Wolfram Alpha for Educators – Free Lesson Plans


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