The Disunion Blog – NY Times Civil War Blog

Next year marks the 150th anniversary of the start of the American Civil War. In the lead-up to the 150th anniversary, The New York Times offers The Disunion Blog. The Disunion Blog uses images, maps, timelines, diaries, and historical assessments to illustrate the causes of the Civil War and how the war unfolded. My attention was drawn to the Disunion Blog by the US History Teachers Blog recent post about the maps and timelines featured on the Disunion Blog.

Applications for Education

If you’re a teacher of US History, the Disunion Blog is sure to offer something that you can use to enhance your lessons about the Civil War. This map of American Slavery is one that I’ll be using in one of my US History classes next week.

Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:
Three Good WWI Resources from the BBC
American President – An Online Reference
The Science and Technology of WWII


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!