60 Second Civics – Listen and Learn

In my post about the 2010 Edublog Awards (voting is still open by the way) I mentioned that looking through the lists of nominees is a good way to discover new blogs, people, and podcasts to add to your list of learning resources. I didn’t just write that advice, I took it and discovered a new podcast that I really like.

60 Second Civics is a daily podcast produced by the Center for Civic Education. Each 60 Second Civics episode offers a short lesson about US Civics. Along with each episode is a one question quiz about that day’s episode. Currently, the podcasts are focused on a comparison of British Parliament and US Congress.

Applications for Education
Playing 60 Second Civics could be a good “starter activity” at the beginning of a US History or Civics class. You might consider combining and or alternating the use of 60 Second Civics with a resource like CNN Student News or The Week in Rap.

Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:
Interactive Activities about US Government
60+ Virtual Tours & Webcams for Social Studies
Which Founder of the United States are You Most Like?


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