Synch Microsoft Office with Google Docs

If you’re a Microsoft Office user who has been flirting with the idea of trying Google Docs or you’ve been dabbling in it but just haven’t taken the plunge, Google has announced a free product just for you. This morning Google announced the launch of Google Cloud Connect.

Cloud Connect is a free plugin for Microsoft Office that will enable you to synch your documents to Google Documents. Every time you edit and click save on your Microsoft Office documents it will also save the revisions in Google Docs. Synched documents can be accessed through Google Docs or through the original Microsoft Office file. Google Cloud Connect works with Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, and 2010. For now Cloud Connect is only available to Google Apps for Business, but should be rolled out to all Google Apps users in the near future. There are a lot of reviews of Cloud Connect on the web, but the best one I’ve read today is found on TechCrunch.

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