October’s Ten Most Popular Posts

Image Credit: Vicki’s Nature

Well another month has passed and Free Technology for Teachers keeps chugging along. In a few weeks Free Technology for Teachers will celebrate its three year anniversary (maybe Mark Spahr’s class will make a cake for it). Little did I know when I started this blog what I was starting.

 In October I had the great opportunity to present at four different conferences. Thank you to everyone that came to my presentations and workshops. Hopefully, I provided value for the hour(s) you spent with me. Thank you to everyone who continued to support Free Technology for Teachers by Tweeting, blogging, and otherwise sharing with others the information you find here. Together we can help more teachers help more students.

Here are the ten most popular from October, 2010:
1. 5 Good Resources for the Learning the Periodic Table
2. What Would You Do With $2,000 for EdTech Purchases?
3. One Word – Sixty Second Writing Prompts
4. Best of the EdTech Web 2010 – Updated With Links
5. Interactive Romeo & Juliet
6. Videos of Middle School Science Experiments
7. New Visualization Charts in Google Docs
8. Twiducate – Social Networking for Schools
9. iPhone & iPad Apps for Special Education
10. Six Visual Dictionaries & Thesauri

If you’re new to Free Technology for Teachers and you found any or all of the above links useful, please consider subscribing to the daily posts via RSS or subscribing via email.

Follow me on Twitter to see what I share beyond this blog (including the occasional update about my cats).

Thank you to the sponsors and marketing partners of Free Technology for Teachers.
Edublogs provides free blog hosting for teachers and students.
ABCya hosts free educational games for elementary school students.
Post Learn powers the job board.
Simple K12 is my blog marketing partner.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!