My Edublog Awards Nominations

The nomination process for the 2010 Edublog Awards began this week. Picking nominees is a difficult thing to do because there are so many great people who deserve to be recognized. I’ve been thinking about my selections for three days and what follows is the result of much deliberation. I have not picked in every category, only the categories that I’m most familiar with.

Best Use of Video: Learn It In 5.

Best Educational Podcast: Seedlings Bit by Bit.

Best Individual Twitter: Steven Anderson @web20classroom (no one Tweets more useful links more often than Steven)

Best Use of a PLN: Beth Still for the ISTE 2010 Newbie Project

Best Educational Technology Support Blog: Speed of Creativity (Wesley Fryer)

Best Resource Sharing Blog: iLearn Technology (for a bunch of reasons this was the most difficult category for me to pick, not the least of which is that voters have twice awarded me in this category)

Best Librarian Blog: Joyce Valenza Never Ending Search

Most Influential Blog Post: Dan Meyer Math Curriculum Makeover (seriously, I wish he had been my math teacher in school).

Best Student Blog: Sorrel Dunn A Year in Frankfurt (Admittedly this is a total homer pick because Sorrel was my student last year and her father is my district’s technology director. That said, it is a fun blog to read about an American high school student studying in Germany).

Best New Blog: Hack Education Audrey Watters

Lifetime Achievement: Vicki Davis Cool Cat Teacher (This was another very tough call. In fact, I typed and deleted a bunch of times before posting this).

Again, I cannot adequately express how difficult it was to pick just one nominee in each category. There are many many blogs in my RSS reader that deserve mention, some of them are listed here. I look forward to seeing the nominations of others because it is a great way to discover great new-to-me people.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!