Connect Safely – A Parents’ Guide to Facebook

Connect Safely, a resource reviewed last year on Free Technology for Teachers, has just released a new 32 page guide to Facebook for parents. A Parents’ Guide to Facebook is a soup-to-nuts guide to Facebook privacy settings, profile settings, group settings, and more. For parents who “just don’t get Facebook” the guide offers great explanations of the appeal of Facebook for teenagers and what teenagers do on Facebook.  The guide provides a run down of recommended settings for teenagers and explanations of what those settings mean.

H/T to Sylvia Martinez for the news about this guide.

Applications for Education
If you occasionally find yourself fielding questions from parents about Facebook and social networking, A Parents’ Guide to Facebook is a good resource to refer them too.

Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:
Phishing Detection Education
Zilladog – Kid Friendly, Parent Monitored Email
Safe Computing Tools for Kids – Windows Based


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