Unexpected Benefit of Having a Facebook Page for Your Courses

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve shared some ideas about using Facebook fan pages and Facebook groups to convey course-related information to your students and their parents. Yesterday, I discovered a benefit of having a Facebook fan page for my courses that I never expected.

Yesterday, I when I went to check for new comments on my Facebook fan page I noticed that a former student (now in college) had become a fan of Mr. Byrne Teaches. Not only had he become a fan he, left a very nice message that made my afternoon. See the screen capture below to see our exchange.
(Click the image to view full size).

As teachers we don’t always get to hear positive feedback from former students, I found this to be a great unexpected benefit of having a Facebook fan page for my courses.

Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:
How to Create a Facebook Group for Your Classes
Using Facebook to Connect With Students & Parents
A Cautionary Note About Using Facebook to Connect With Students & Parents


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!