StoryCorps Videos

StoryCorps is a nonprofit organization that records and gathers the stories of Americans from all walks of life. The stories range from light-hearted feel-good stories to serious and sometimes sad stories. Many of the stories are played on National Public Radio. Today, through my colleague Abbie Morrison (check out her great photography blog) I learned that StoryCorps has turned some of the stories into short, animated videos. So far there are five videos available that you can view on the StoryCorps site or view on Vimeo.

The video below features Studs Terkel talking about what has been lost in modern life and his vision of the future.
Applications for Education
The StoryCorps animated videos are a great example of the power of storytelling. The videos and the audio recordings of StoryCorps are a resource through which students can hear varying perspectives on the world we live in. Use the video above to talk with students about what is gained or lost when automation replaces humans.

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