Sketchy Explanation: Starting a PLN

Earlier today Kyle Pace shared a link on Twitter with the phrase “great video to share, Sketchy Explanation: Starting a PLN.” I just found the time to watch the video and Kyle is right it is a good video. The video uses sketches and words to explain the concepts of a PLN (personal learning network), how a PLN can improve your teaching practice, and how to go about creating a PLN.

The last twenty seconds of the video really get at the core of what a PLN is all about. It’s a mindset that begins with a couple of questions. Watch the video to find out what those questions are.
Applications for Education
If you’re trying to explain to a colleague why you’re on Twitter or Classroom 2.0 or another social network where teachers hang out, I think the last twenty seconds of this video really hit the nail on the head. My response to the last question in the video, “how do my relationships make me a better teacher?” summarizes why I have a PLN. Having other teachers to share ideas with, get feedback on those ideas, and to help me find resources for teaching is why I have a PLN.

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