3 Ways to Access Khan Academy Without YouTube

Khan Academy now has has more than 1800 mathematics and science tutorial videos online. There are even some videos covering topics in the humanities now too. While Khan Academy is best known as a YouTube Channel, there are other ways to access the Khan Academy content. Khan Academy can be accessed through iTunes U. Khan Academy can be watched and downloaded on Curriki. Finally, Khan Academy can be downloaded onto a flash drive for viewing on any computer.

Thanks to Miguel Guhlin for the tips about Curriki and the flashdrive download. Thanks to Open Culture for the iTunes tip.

Applications for Education
If you’ve always wanted to use some Khan Academy videos in your classroom, but couldn’t because YouTube is blocked in your school, try one of the three methods listed above to bring that great content into your lessons. Khan Academy is a great reference source for teachers and students. Students can find all kinds of helpful mathematics and science videos to use when they get stuck on a problem or concept and can’t get in touch with their teachers.

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