Teachers Connecting – Find a Collaboration Partner

There are numerous informal ways for teachers to connect. Three of the more common places to connect are Classroom 2.0, Twitter, and Facebook. The connections made through those forums can be used to create a global, collaborative, classroom project. However, if you’re new to those networks or you’re just beginning to form a PLN it’s not always easy to find a collaboration partner. Fortunately, Teachers Connecting can help you find a partner for a collaborative project.

Teachers Connecting is a professional network where you can find other teachers who would like to connect their classrooms with your’s. On Teachers Connecting you can post a project proposal or search for projects proposed by other teachers.

Applications for Education
Teachers Connecting could have your next global collaborative project just waiting for you and your students. If it doesn’t, propose one and find a partner for your next project.

Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:

My PLN and the Butter Battle Book

Learn Central – A Social Network for Educators

Why Do We Connect?


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