Shmoop Adds Pre-Algebra Study Guides

Shmoop, a provider of free study guides for topics in Social Studies and Language Arts, has recently branched-out to include mathematics study guides. Last week Shmoop added a collection of study guides for Pre-Algebra topics. The collection is broken into six categories; basic operations, fractions & decimals, ratios & percentages, basic geometry, basic statistics & probability, and basic Algebra. Additionally, Shmoop is offering a glossary of mathematics terms.

Applications for Education
Shmoop’s Pre-Algebra guides are designed so that students can use them on their own as a supplement to their teachers’ instructions. Each subsection of the Shmoop Pre-Algebra provides students with visual and text explanations of each topic. After each tutorial students are presented with some problems to try on their own. The practice problems have a “hint” button for students to use when they get stuck on a tough problem.

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