Hotseat – Backchannel Platform Coming to a Classroom Near You

Some smart IT folks at Purdue University are developing a new platform for hosting classroom backchannel discussions. The new platform is called Hotseat. According the Hotseat website and the promotional videos, Hotseat will integrate Twitter, Facebook, and mobile device feedback into one stream. It doesn’t appear to available to the world yet, but it looks promising. Check out the video below to learn more.

H/T to Jim Gates for posting the link on Twitter.

Applications for Education
As I mentioned during my Reform Symposium presentation about backchannels in the classroom, student backchanneling solves a few challenges that all teachers face at one time or another. Those challenges are having time to hear every student’s question or comment, providing voice for shy students, and improving the relevance and timeliness of your responses to students and their responses to each other. The recording of my presentation is now available here (clicking the link will open an Elluminate page).

Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:
Five Platforms for Classroom Back-channel Chat
Back-channeling During a Class Viewing of Glory

Two Examples of Backchannels in Elementary School


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