Signed Stories – Video Stories in Sign Language

I’ve seen Signed Stories bouncing around the blogosphere and Twittersphere for a few weeks now, but only recently have I had time to explore it. Signed Stories is a provider of free videos featuring children’s stories accompanied by subtitles and sign language. All of the stories feature someone signing the story (in British Sign Language). In addition to sign language many of the stories also offer subtitles.

The videos on Signed Stories are organized into seven themes. With the exception of the Baby and Toddler section the stories are not categorized by age. Although every video is free, because many of the stories and images are copyrighted, Signed Stories videos cannot be downloaded or embedded into other sites.

Applications for Education
As I mentioned above, the videos are signed in British Sign Language which, according to my Wikipedia research, is different from American Sign Language. Fortunately, for those who use ASL many of the videos are also available in subtitles.


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