Week in Review – Most Popular Items

Someone recently asked me why I write a week in review post every week. The answer is simple, a lot of teachers don’t have enough time to keep up with their RSS readers or emails during the week and end up clicking “mark all as read.” This post gives those teachers a chance to find new material with just one click. This was never more clear than when earlier this week one of my colleagues, Mike Morrell, (who should be on Twitter by the way) told me that he saw something in the week in review that he missed during the week.

I usually like to post an update on the number of subscribers to Free Technology for Teachers, but FeedBurner has been reporting very wacky numbers for the last ten days. If anyone can figure out why, please let me know. That said, more people became fans of Free Technology for Teachers on Facebook this week. That group is now over approaching 1800. Thank you to everyone that has become a fan. As always, thank you to everyone that has shared this blog with your friends and colleagues.

Here are the seven most popular items of the last week:
1. How to Publish a Quiz Using Google Docs
2. View WWII Imagery in Google Earth
3. Mark Your Calendars – Google Apps Webinar
4. Win a “21st Century Classroom”
5. The History and the Purpose of the US Census
6. Math Run – A Fun Game for Practicing Math Skills
7. How to Make Placemarks and Tours in Google Earth

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Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!