Wanted! A Few Good Bloggers

Every year for the last seven years, during my school’s February vacation, I go on an ice fishing trip to Moosehead Lake near Greenville, Maine. During those four days I completely unplug from the Internet. Last year during that time I ran nine awesome posts from nine awesome guest bloggers. This year I would like to give the same opportunity to some more people on the dates of February 14, 15, 16, and 17.

I cannot offer you money for guest posting, but I can offer you traffic back to your blog. By including a bio and link to their blogs some of the people that guest posted last year are still reporting significant traffic coming to them through the posts they wrote on Free Technology for Teachers. In case you’re wondering how many people could read your guest post, there are currently more than 17,000 subscribers to Free Technology for Teachers (that’s before FeedBurner stats went wacky last week). And just as I did last year, I’ll also offer to guest post on your blog in return.

Last year when I put out the call for guest bloggers I was overwhelmed with emails. So this year, I smartened-up and put together a contact form for people who are interested in writing a guest post for Free Technology for Teachers. Before you fill out the form please keep a few things in mind.
1. I’m looking for classroom teachers and school administrators willing to share their stories, good or bad, about using technology in their classrooms. Share with the audience how you’re using technology in your classrooms.
2. Even if I’ve written about your favorite resource numerous times (Google Earth for example), I’m still interested in hearing about how you’re using that resource with your students.
3. No link list posts. The guest posts are about stories of using technology.
4. No commercial posts by PR people.
5. Last year I was not able to accomdate everyone that wanted to guest post. A few of those people that I had to turn away last year will be given the opportunity this year. That said, I’m looking for about twelve people. Please do not be offended if you’re not chosen.
6. This form will be live until 7am Monday morning on the east coast. I will reply to everyone by Tuesday morning.

Update: as of 7:15am 2/8/10 fifty-two people responded. I am now going through the list and will contact everyone by tomorrow morning.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!