Squareleaf – Your Online Sticky Note System

Squareleaf is a simple system for creating and managing online sticky notes. To use Squareleaf just register for an account and begin creating notes. Your notes are displayed on an online “whiteboard.” On your Squareleaf whiteboard you can arrange your sticky notes in any pattern that you like. The size and color of the sticky notes can also be adjusted.

Applications for Education
Squareleaf doesn’t offer any fancy text alerts or Twitter reminders, but what it does do is offer students a very simple way to write reminders to themselves. Squareleaf could also be a good way for students to diagram stories they’re planning to write or to organize the parts of project they need to complete.

Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:
Sticky Screen – Your To-do List Homepage
Organize and Collaborate With Stixy
Scriblink – Your Online Collaborative Whiteboard


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