How To Use Streetview in Google Earth

Frank Taylor, author of the Google Earth Blog, has put together a nice video tutorial demonstrating how to use Google’s StreetView imagery within Google Earth. Frank demonstrates not only how to activate StreetView, but also how to use it in conjunction with other Google Earth elements such as the 3D buildings layer. You can watch the video below or watch the video and read the instructions on the Google Earth Blog.

Applications for Education
Utilizing the StreetView imagery in conjunction with the 3D buildings layer can be a great way to enhance a virtual field trip.

Lately I’ve become intrigued with the idea of using Google Earth for digital storytelling. If StreetView imagery is available for your area, a simple project could be to have students create tours of their towns. For example, in my Civics class the students have recently started a project in which they have to prepare a plan for revitalizing the local economy. One of the things my students can do is narrate a tour in which they highlight the businesses in our area. In the same tour they can also point out the places where businesses used to exist.

Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:
Great Google Earth/ Maps How-to Videos
An Amazing (Race) Google Earth Project – Reprise
3 Guides to Using Google Earth for Virtual Fieldwork


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