Live Binders Improves for Educational Use

Live Binders, a good digital portfolio service I reviewed in August, recently added some improved features that will be of interest to educators. Live Binders now makes all binders private by default. Live Binders has also added the option for users to import their Delicious bookmarks into the binders they’re creating. Not a brand new feature, but a feature that teachers should be aware of is the presentation mode available in Live Binders.

In the email I received from Live Binders they included a link to this screencast about using Live Binders in education. The screencast was created by Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age. The screencast is embedded below.

Applications for Education
Live Binders is a good, free, resource for creating a portfolio of your student’s digital creations. The new default setting is a good thing for teachers who are worried about the privacy of their students’ work. The presentation mode could be useful for having students present their Live Binders to their classmates.


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