Week In Review – The Most Popular Items

It’s a beautiful Friday evening here in Western Maine, USA and time for another week in review. The highlight of the week for me was compiling all of the comments from the Share Your Advice – Win a Book contest. The reading through the comments confirmed two things that I always knew. First, technology integration is “teaching with technology,” it’s not “teaching technology.” Second, the readers of this blog are awesome, progressive educators.

As I do every week, I’ve compiled a list of the seven most popular items of the last seven days. The list is based on item clicks and views. If you ever miss the week in review post, you can always check out the Post Rank widget embedded in the right column of the blog. Post Rank displays the most popular blog entries at any given time.

Here are the seven most popular items of the last seven days:
1. Two Guides for Constructing a PLN
2. Harvard Offers Tuition-Free Graduate Program
3. Webinar Video – Teaching Search in the Classroom
4. Free Guide (PDF) Tips for Teaching With New Media
5. The Google Jockey
6. A Quick Guide to Annotating Using Diigo
7. Free eBooks Search Engine

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Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!