3DVinci – Learn Geometry With Google SketchUp

3DVinci’s SketchUp page has some very good resource for mathematics teachers, particularly Geometry teachers. 3DVinci presents a collection of mathematics projects that students can do using Google SketchUp. If you’ve never used SketchUp, don’t worry. 3DVinci hosts video tutorials that will show you everything you need to know to get started using Google SketchUp to teach mathematics.

Thanks to Ken Shelton for sharing the link via Twitter. If you don’t follow Ken, you should.

Applications for Education
Earlier today I was talking to a mathematics teacher in my school who was complaining that there “aren’t any good technology resources for math teachers.” 3DVinci’s SketchUp projects is a good example of a resource that mathematics teachers can use to create engaging, technology infused lessons.

Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:
Decimal Squares – Games for Learning Place Values
Visual Math Learning – Lessons and Games
The Math Arcade on Fun Brain


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