Support the Next NECC/ISTE Newbie

It’s long overdue that I post something about Beth Still’s NECC/ISTE Newbie Project. As many of you will recall, this year I was able to attend NECC/ISTE through the generous donations made by many of you to the fundraising effort Beth created. For 2010 Beth is organizing another fundraising effort. This time it is to send another first-timer to the NECC/ ISTE conference in Denver. Beth selected Jason Schrage to be 2010’s newbie. Jason was one of Beth’s co-consipirators (I mean that in the nicest way) in the organization of the Newbie Project that allowed me to go to NECC/ISTE in Washington, DC. Jason is a middle school teacher in western New York.

Please visit Beth’s blog to read all about Jason and the fundraising efforts for the 2010 NECC/ISTE Newbie Project.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!