Explore Careers, Take the Career Quiz

If your high school students are anything like I was in high school (or college for that matter), they probably don’t have a clue what they want to do when they graduate. Today, there is a myriad of online “quizzes” and “personality assessments” that students can take to give them some guidance as to what careers they may want to pursue. One such quiz comes from The Princeton Review. The Princeton Review’s career quiz is a twenty-four question “this or that” style of quiz that students can use to assess their interests and their habits. From their the quiz generates a list of careers that students may want to explore. There is also a similar quiz for determining college majors that may interest students.

Applications for Education
The Princeton Review has a number of good, free resources (they also have fee-based items) for students, parents, and guidance counselors. The Career Quiz is one such free resource for students to use to plan their futures. That said, with a head nod towards Did You Know, as teachers, guidance counselors, and or parents it’s important to remind students that some of today’s careers didn’t exist ten years ago.


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