Week in Review – Most Popular Items

The summer seems to be flying along here in Maine. I hope that all of you that are on a break from school are enjoying your vacations. Summer is a time that many of us use to further our professional learning. Earlier this week I Skyped into a class for teachers interested in technology integration. In two weeks I’ll be presenting at the MLTI Summer Institute in Castine, ME. Chris Lehmann is the keynote speaker for the conference. I hope to meet many Maine educators there.

It seems that every week Free Technology for Teachers adds more readers and subscribers. That pattern is due to all of you that have helped to expand the reach of Free Technology for Teachers by sharing links and referring others to the blog. Thank you, I truly appreciate and value every reader and every comment.

Here are the seven most popular items of the last week:
1. 10 Things Teachers Should Know Before 1:1
2. More Wordle in the Classroom Ideas
3. Using Blogs and Wikis are Core Skills
4. Need Graph Paper? Get it Here
5. Turn Your Blog Into a Newsletter With RSS to PDF
6. Guess the Wordle and Summer Vacation Wordles
7. Friend Feed in Education


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!