Acer Netbook After Two Weeks

As many of you know, two weeks ago I purchased an Acer Aspire One netbook. I bought it just in time for NECC 2009. At that time I posted about my decision to buy a netbook rather than an inexpensive Toshiba notebook at roughly the same cost. After two weeks after my initial review of the netbook I can still confidently say that the netbook is worth every penny I spent.

When reading this evaluation of netbooks, bear in mind that I do 97% of my work online. Over the course of the two weeks since I purchased the Acer Aspire One I’ve only opened my old laptop four times. Of those four times, only once did I “have” to use my full size laptop. That instance was when I was using Google Earth. The ten inch screen on the Acer Aspire One is just a touch too small for accessing the full functionality of Google Earth.

The three cell battery (6 cell wasn’t in stock when I was shopping) has consistently lasted for close to three hours when running just Firefox. When I run TweetDeck and Firefox simultaneously the battery life decreases to roughly two hours.

Overall, during the last two weeks using a netbook for all of my daily tasks like writing blog posts, watching video, and creating videos on Viddler has been a good experience.


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