Where I’m Presenting…

I get asked about once a week if I do any presentations and or where am I presenting. At the moment I have two workshop sessions scheduled for two conferences this summer and fall. In July I will be conducting a workshop at the MLTI Summer Institute in Castine, Maine. In October I will be conducting a workshop at the ACTEM Conference.

My MLTI workshop will be about tools for helping students demonstrate through video their knowledge of Social Studies and the Arts. The workshop will focus on using tools like Animoto, PhotoPeach, and Remix America. The session will also explore how to locate images in the Public Domain and images with a Creative Commons license. Registration is open now.

My ACTEM workshop is titled 24/7 Learning. The session will focus on ways to make your classroom blog or website a place that students and parents will want to visit instead of a place they have to visit. At the time of this writing, registration is not open, but should be soon.

I’m always open to speaking invitations from other conferences and from schools. If you’re interested in having me conduct a workshop for your staff, please contact me via email at richardbyrne (at) freetech4teachers.com

As this post goes live, I will be away from an Internet connection until Wednesday. I will begin replying to all emails on June 25.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!