Explore – Documentary Videos of the World

Explore.org produces and hosts high-quality documentary films and photographs. The films and images focus on exploring the world and the work of non-profit organizations around the world. The films and images are organized by destination. There are twelve destinations in all including China, Tibet, the Middle East, and India. Explore.org is funded in part by the Annenburg Foundation.

All of the videos can be embedded into your blog or website. Embedded below is one of the shorter films from Explore. The video takes a brief look at China’s Great Wall.

Applications for Education
Explore.org is a good video resource that could be used in a global studies course or world geography course. You could have students watch a video and research some of the content mentioned that video. There are enough videos that in most classes each student could pick a different video. After doing the research you could have the students build a wiki page about their chosen video’s topic.

Here are some related resources that may be of interest to you:
30+ Alternatives to YouTube
Debate Graph – Diagrams of Global Debates
101 Ways to Teach Geography


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